Spiritually, I know I am supposed to not worry...to let go and let God. This is so hard sometimes. I can be such a control freak over my immediate life and to-do's. I feel like over the last month or two God is really showing me that worship and surrender are ACTIVE and not PASSIVE. What I mean is that for me I am coming to see that there is something amazing that exercise does for me spiritually. Let me clarify. When I work hard and sweat hard, I let go and I surrender. Each lap and each physical movement helps me let go of the worries and distractions and stresses that weigh me down. As I sweat out the stress, there is more room for God...more room for prayer.
Exercise is great for me physically, mentally, and emotionally. I am finding that as I feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally, I also see improvement spiritually. I take more time to seek God throughout the day and the week.
(Source: Pinterest)
I also have been trying to go to Holy Yoga once a week. I have always enjoyed yoga, but there is something special about actually doing yoga with other Christians...about actually worshipping while being physically active. With holy yoga, you are actively worshipping.
Today, I got up and went for an interval run/walk with Nala.

Running and I do not have a great relationship, but I feel like I need to keep trying. Things worth doing are always hard.
(Source: Pinterest)
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